MBL 1622sacd/cd, 101 Extreme
full MBL system, similar setup as last year sounded clear, detail, extended highs, very refine and delicate

ROOM 409 - Jadis Electronics Ltd
Boulder + Wilson Audio
more emphasis on prat and dynamics than MBL

ROOM 406 - Excel Hi Fi Co., Ltd (http://www.excel-hifi.com/)
Krell Evolution + Siltech Pantheon
detailed and well-balanced

ROOM 404 - Dah Chong Hong Ltd
Accuphase C-2810pre, M-6000amp, DP-800sacd/DC-801cd + Tannoy Kingdom 15
controlled highs & lows, solid bass & well emphasized, good controlled

ROOM 402 - Audio Space Acoustic Laboratory Ltd (http://www.audiospace-hifi.com/)
Audio Space Ref 3.1 300b (HK32,800)+ Dynaudio Confidence
next to nothing at its pricing

ROOM 604 - Dynaudio Asia Ltd
DCS + Dynaudio
small speakers but able to fill the room
ROOM X06 - ANJ International Ltd. (http://www.audioevidence.com/)
Kondo M1000 MKIIpre (68萬), Gakuon IIamp (103萬) + Karma
perhaps I heard the setup on the 1st day, for the $$$ it didn't really impress

ROOM 401A, 401B - Wise Sound Supplies Ltd
Solution 740cd, 700amp + Eventus Audio Nebula
couldn't remember how this system sounded
ROOM X07 - Sonus Faber Asia Ltd
Audio Research SP16 + Sonus Faber
Home theatre & projection setup and sound rather good
ROOM X08 - Avantgarde Hong Kong (http://www.avantgardehongkong.com/)
Weiss + Avantgarde + Shunyata
Setup sounded much better than in ISSE 08 (http://www.avmagazine.com/)
ROOM X03 - Garner Co.
Sugden Mono Block + Harbeth 40.1
Sounded muffled and overly warm, where's the extended highs?
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